Landscaping: Heritage Landscaping Services, LVG’s landscapers, has just aerated and seeded our entire community this week. Townhome owners, please make sure to water the turf areas on your individual lot and keep it damped for the next few weeks, for the aeration and seeding to be effective.
In addition, Design Review Guidelines, states “The association mows and treats the turf and trims landscape on individual and condominium lots however watering of turf and landscape and replacement of same if needed is the sole responsibility of the lot owner.”
Upcoming Community Event: Harvest Hound Festival – Saturday, October 1st, from Noon to 4pm, @ the Lansdowne Town Center. There will be Live Bluegrass Music, moon bounce, face painting, food, drinks, pet photos, pet adoptions, pet supplies, and much more family fun!
Community Wide Yard Sale: It is time to start organizing, decluttering, purging and prepping for our COMMUNITY WIDE YARD SALE on Saturday, October 1, starting at 7AM. We will team up with Lansdowne on the Potomac to post some ads and we will have signs in our main entrances to let everyone know! More details to come.
• Place all items on your own driveway.
• Items may not be left or stored at any other time, aside from the time of the yard sale.
• No personal signs allowed. There will be signs in the main entrances of community
Covenants Committee
Monday, October 3, 2016 @ 5:00PM
LVG HOA Board of Directors
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 @ 6:00PM
Activities Committee
Monday, October 10, 2016 @ 6:00PM
Facilities & Grounds Committee
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 @ 6:00PM
Linden Row – Board of Directors
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 @ 6:30PM
The Residence– Board of Directors
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 @ 7:00PM
Townes Condominiums – Board of Directors
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 @ 7:00PM
TRASH: All residents shall store and dispose of trash in appropriate receptacles, and must have securely fitting lids which shall be secured when the receptacle is put out for trash pick-up.
PET OWNERS: Please always pick up after your pets. You are responsible for immediate removal and disposal of all animal waste.
LITTER: Owners shall not place litter or debris on any Common Areas. In addition, always ensure that trash and recycling receptacles have a securely fitting lids or are secured tightly, so trash or debris are not blown all over the community.
TRASH/RECYCLING CONTAINERS: PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE TRASH AND RECYCLING CONTAINERS ARE OUT OF STREET VIEW ON WEDNESDAY, SATURDAYS, AND SUNDAYS. According to the Policy Resolution No. 8, Use of Lots and Common Areas, “No trash receptacles may be stored in open view. Trash containers may be put out for pick-up no earlier than the evening prior to the scheduled pick-up day and must be removed the day of pick-up.”
LVG COMMITTEES: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! Do you want to help make a difference in your community? Do you want to be more involved, but don’t know how? How about joining one of our committees? The Technology, Covenants, and Activities Committee are always in search for a great addition to their committee!!
STORAGE OF UNAPPROVED ITEMS: Exterior storage containers of any type are prohibited. This would include hose bibs, sprinklers, toys, grills, etc., if they are not being used.